Remote Services

Have an urgent software issue that needs to be looked at? Computer Magic can provide remote services to solve these issues. Remote services can be paid for by using our fast, simple & secure process through PayPal.

Basic Tune-up : $69.99

If your computer is running slow and you haven’t had any checkups in a while a basic tune up is right for you. We will remove unnecessary background processes that slow your computer down, clean up your browsers, clean your registry, and much more. A basic tune-up is perfect for those who get regular maintenance and are due for another check up.


Advanced Tune-up + Virus Removal : $99.99

An Advanced tune-up includes everything that comes with our Basic tune-up but we run hardware diagnostics, extensive testing for processes that are slowing your computer down and we perform a complete virus removal. An Advanced tune-up our recommended one time maintenance.


Maintenance Plan : $19.99 per Month

To get the best bang for your buck try our Maintenance Plan. You get unlimited Advanced Tune-ups + Virus Removals for only 19.99 per month. For the best performance of an optimized computer we highly recommend an Advanced Tune-up every 3 months.